Sunday, May 13, 2012

Is your car ready for the summer

With summer moving in on us is your car ready?? These past few days I've seen numerous cars with problem's on the side of the road. Im going to give you a few tips's on how to prevent costly repairs or a breakdown in this summer heat.
     The # 1 cause for a breakdown in the summer is your tires. The Rubber mfg. Association did a survey and surprisingly only 1 in 10 american drivers check their tires. Proper tire pressure is important especially in the summer, a under inflated tire will affect your gas milage and is also at risk for a blowout. A over inflated tire will wear prematurely and have to be replaced sooner costing you money. Most tires need 35-45 psi. of air but check the manufacturers tag on the sidewall for proper specification's.

Worn tires are a safety hazard not only to you but to all other motorist on the road. A simple test you can do to see if your tires need replacing is known as "the penny test". What you do is hold a penny upside down in the tread of your tires if you can see the top of Lincoln's it's time to replace it.
   Oil changes are more important than you think, why you ask the oil is the life blood of your vehicles engine. Changing your oil regularly will extend the life of your engine and maximize its efficiency. A oil change will normally cost you under $50 which is a small price to pay VS the thousands it will cost you if your engine suffers catastrophic failure due to poor lubrication from oil that's lost it's viscosity.
      Check your hoses and belts as those are important in the cooling of your engine. Look for crack's on your belt's, cracks are a sign of wear and should be replaced immediately.  Your hoses should be firm be firm never soft to the touch. Make sure your engine is cool as it normally operates at 200°+. Worn belts and hoses are a ticking time bomb that can cause you problems when you least expect it.
    Your air filter is important in keeping impurities from entering your engine. S dirty air filter can be compared to you running a marathon without breathing. The average air filter should be replaced every 12k miles or as per your vehicles manufacturer and can be replaced with simple hand tools or no tool's at all depending on your vehicle
      Wiper blades, who cares about wiper blades in the summer? ? I would hope everyone did. Imagine this scenario a sudden summer storm or as you drive through a construction zone where they're spraying water to keep the dust down. You don't want to smear all that mess on your windshield or do you?? Wipers are the easiest to to check and fairly cheap to replace. Most auto parts stores will help you replace them when you purchase them at their store. Also remember to top off your windshield washer fluid at the same time.
       Brakes. Listen for any grinding noise's if you hear grinding you might be a little to late and will need to replace more than just your brake pad's. Most repair shop's will do a multi point inspection of your vehicle when you take it in for a oil change. However you might have to request it check with your shop more details. Watch for soft or mushy pedal as thats a sign of your brake system needing immediate attention.
       Coolant most commonly known as antifreeze, when was the last time you had it replaced?? Coolant should be replaced at least every 2 years or 24k- 36k miles. Coolant is important in the summer as it raises the boiling point of water. With your average gasoline engine operating at 205° and the boiling point of water being 212° you can see the importance of coolant.  Coolant also helps with rust prevention inside your engine and radiator thus making your cooling system more efficient.
      Battery, heat kills your car battery look for signs of corrosion on your battery terminals. Corrosion is a white powdery build up on your battery terminals.  A easy way to clean corrosion is found under your kitchen sink Windex. While cleaning the corrosion make sure you wear safety glasses and rubber gloves are recommended. Spray the corrosion with Windex and let it sit for a few seconds and then hose it off with your garden hose. This will help with ensuring your battery will charge properly and extend the life of your battery and alternator.
corrosion advanced stage 


  A/C, you might not need it yet but it never hurts to check it. Turn on your A/C and make sure all vents are blowing cold air. Nothing is worst than reaching to turn on the A/C only to find out its not working.
   One of the things I highly recommend and personally have in all my vehicles is a emergency kit consisting of jumper cables, a can of fix of flat, a pair of gloves, flashlight, a few small bottles of water, small blanket, and a couple dollars wort of quarters. Gloves will keep your hands clean in the event you need to change a tire. Water will keep you hydrated if you have to wait for a extended period of time for help. The blanket can also double as a sun shade to keep your car cool while you wait for help. In this modern technology era everyone has a cell phone but suppose your battery dies how will you call for help?? Believe it or not pay phones still exist and that's when the quarters will save the day. Amazon has several ready to go emergency kits for under $60 and come in a small compact case that will take up minimal space in your trunk.
    Following these few tips will minimize the chances of you having a break down on the road. Be safe and ill see you out on the road. If there is any topic you would like to see covered let me know and ill do my best to address it.